Monday, 21 January 2013

#2nd Deconstruction of contents page

This is my second deconstruction of a contents page.

The masthead is positioned at the top left corner and it spreads out across the page. The font is big and bold and the colour is white so it stands out against the black background. The title of the magazine is above the mast head on the same line as the date and the magazine website.

Other information
The magazine was issued in march 2011. This is positioned at the top of the page in the middle. The text is mainly placed down the right

There is lots of texts on the page. The text describes what is going on in the magazine and it gives information on which page the information is on. This contents page looks rather messy and un-organised. There is quite a lot of text on this page compared to other contents pages. There isn't a subheading on this page. Just 'CONTENTS' written at the top of the page in large bold white letters.

The font on the page is very different as there is a few different types of fonts used. There is also some italic writing and some normal writing. Some of the writing is black and some is white depending on the back ground of the section. The writing on this page is very boring and is very displeasing to the eye because there is no  colour to it its just black and white.

There is 4 images on the page and 3 of them are very similar. There are just people sitting down playing a gitarre. I suppose this shows the magazine type however its rather boring. The other image is a man drinking something out of a cup. Even with the images it still doesn't give the magazine much colour.

The layout of the page is very different. It has contents at the top of the page below the magazine name, date and the magazine website. Down the right side of the page is the actual of contents of the magazine. On the right side of the page is the images also with a editors message at the bottom middle of the page.

There is no linguistic features used in this contents page.

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