Thursday, 14 March 2013

Final Magazine - Colour Samples

I have chosen for my magazine that I will use colours of mainly red and white. I will use mostly white writing because the background behind Sarah is dark. I wanted red writing but the red agaionst the dark backgorund didn't look as good as the white. The white also stands out well and it is clear to read. The white colours ecpecially the font looks great. I looks very professional and it looks very country style. I have used reds for the name of the magazine because I researched other country magazines and they maily had red titles. However I have made my title of my country magazine different because I didn't want i to look that same but I wanted to make sure the colour styles are the same.

Throughout the magazine I want the wiriting to be either white black or red. I want it to look consistant. This will make it look smarter and I want people to think that it looks good and that they would pick it up if it was for sale in a shop.

Here are some of the colours I have compared and chosen to use.

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