Monday, 19 November 2012

Analysing a Double Page Spread

There is 3 columns used in the spread. There is 2 images on the pages. The first image is just before the writing. It is very small image at the beginning of the text. There is only one headline at the beginning of the page saying 'this year's most unique voice'. There is no straplines used in this two page spread. The two different pages are very different. The first page had lots of writing on about the article and the second page it is just one large photo. The colour in the page is very simple is is mainly white with  few red lines of text pointing out quotes and the headline.

There is only one photograph used in this two page spread. The image is of a female 'Florence Welsh'. In the image it s very classical, there is a lot of vintage stuff such as lamps, mirrors and jewellery.  Their is an image of the celebrity 'Florence Welsh'.  The first page is text related, and the second page is image related. There is no captions used in the image. The images point of view is through males.

The size of the font is very small. The font is very plain however it is italic. There is quotations used througout the text. "The album easily justifies that pre-emptive Brit."

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